Friday 14 November 2014

Easy Work Outs Throughout Your Work Day

So, i know it can be very hard to workout sometimes. If you dont have time or are just lazy that day, these are somethings that I find that help me out alot when trying to workout a little during a day.

So I work everyday 7-3.30pm Mon-Fri

I know it can be tiring when you get home from work to head to the gym or go for run.So here is what I do in work and when I get home.

Most people get 15mins break
Half Hour Lunch
Another 15mins break

So in my breaks sometimes I go for a walk outside walk around a bit, nothing wrong with it and it will clear your head also if you are having a hard day in the office. This can also help blood flow more freely if you are sitting at your desk all day everyday. Move those legs :)

Then (this maybe a weird to start but dont worry) go into the bathroom and do some simply stretches, this can really help tired legs and help with any aches and pains, a simply leg lift such as the one in the photos below can help alot.


And the last one that I do in Work is - squats! now, i know your thinking how can you do this in work? I do it in the cubicle of the bathroom very strange but very effective, if you say to yourself I have a few mins away from the desk and do 5-10 squats every time, you will eventually build up to a lot in one day more then you may think. The perfect squat is as follows

If you try these really simply work out everyday you will eventully have enough energy when you get home to more workouts and want to head for walks and runs and maybe then the gym. The gym can be scary but trust me, when you get in after the first 3-4mins in there it will be fine

So push yourself to do these things and you will see results sooner then you think


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